Hello! If you are reading this, it means we have encrypted your data and took your files. DO NOT PANIC! Yes, this is bad news, but we will have a good ones as well. YES, this is entirely fixable! Our name is BlackBasta Syndicate, and we are the largest, most advanced, and most prolific organized group currently existing. We are the ultimate cyber tradecraft with a credential record of taking down the most advanced, high-profile, and defended companies one can ever imagine. You can Google us later; what you need to know now is that we are business people just like you. We have your data and encrypted your files, but in less than an hour, we can put things back on track: if you pay for our recovery services, you get a decryptor, the data will be deleted from all of our systems and returned to you, and we will give you a security report explaining how we got you. Please contact us at: https://bastad5huzwkepdixedg2gekg7jk22ato24zyllp6lnjx7wdtyctgvyd.onion/ Login: [snip] This is a link to a secure chat. We will talk there. Inside that chat, we will share a second designated link that only your special team will be able to see. For now, think about the following. This incident hits your network and is stopping you from operating properly. The sooner you get back on track, the better it is. See you in the secure chat.