
Vittima: McAlester Regional Health Center

ID: 10035 rilevato il 28-07-2023 10:41:53 dal gruppo karakurt
Descrizione: Founded in 1978, McAlester Regional Health Center is devoted to a continuum of care offering a variety of health care services to the citizens of Southeast Oklahoma. Another one medical center doesn't care about their patients' data. 126gb of this organization data includes medical information, personal documents, financial and accounting data and lots of HR documentation. 40gb of DNA tests of patients is a bonus! Stay tuned.

Hash di rilevamento: 906e776236e94fc2dc56cd5c2d391307031b3a3e08af1cbd251a9dfb4e344a9d
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Healthcare services

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