
Vittima: Chambersburg Area School District

ID: 10658 rilevato il 07-09-2023 22:07:11 dal gruppo blackbyte
Descrizione: The Chambersburg Area School District covers 250 square miles in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, near the center of the Cumberland Valley. More than 61,000 people live in the district, which is composed of the Borough of Chambersburg, Greene, Hamilton, Letterkenny, and Lurgan townships, and most of Guilford Township. The Chambersburg Area School District has a rich and important history. We are fortunate to have almost 10,000 students of many different backgrounds and nations of origin. Just in the past several years, our English Language Learners have increased from approximately 500 to 1000 students or 10% of our student population.

Hash di rilevamento: 6cc7bcdb300b22ea681ad690a2ca832da780093cb8b995a2d9370a3361f59476
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.casdonline.org/
Settore lavorativo: Schools

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