
Vittima: Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs

ID: 10881 rilevato il 18-09-2023 23:43:07 dal gruppo snatch
Descrizione: Watching over and advocating for our state’s veterans and their families are the more than 1,100 men and women of the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs.Florida has earned a reputation as the most veteran-friendly state in the nation. Our state’s veterans bring more than $18.4

Hash di rilevamento: 4222af4f5efc5be32eda47dd9dbfc3398de5dd13725aa234d1236352b32ea97a
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Civil society

Rivendicazioni collegate

10883 - Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs

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