
Vittima: Imperador S.R.L

ID: 10972 rilevato il 14-09-2023 16:00:13 dal gruppo ciphbit
Descrizione: we are the company operating in the area of transportation and logistics by offering such services in the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the entire Europe, USA and Central Asia. Due to this, we have the possibility to offer transportation services in any moment to or from any area of Europe, USA or Central Asia. We have the cooperation contracts signed with the companies from the specified areas; in any time, we can offer an optimal solution for fast, safe and supervised transportation at affordable price. We use our network to help our clients to manage their goods in the most efficient way in any supply networks. As the companies address to IMPERADOR for transportation solutions, we authorize our employees to render our services to the clients by applying our information technologies. Today, IMPERADOR is radar in any industry that requires transportation or logistics. We work in close cooperation with our clients; analyse their distribution network, from the point of origin to the final consumer to identify the opportunities.

Hash di rilevamento: 99f16d717b6a3ec638578c6cc934ea6a9ff178187212c025591b42f2117a6fa9
Vittima localizzata in: Moldova
Sito web: http://www.imperadorlogistics.com
Settore lavorativo: Distribution

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