
Vittima: Jersey College

ID: 11036 rilevato il 26-09-2023 11:10:30 dal gruppo losttrust
Descrizione: As a private, post-secondary institution, Jersey College strives to provide its students with an education that will help them thrive in the field of nursing. The core of the program focuses on the skills and knowledge of a Certified Nurse Assistant and provides potential nurses the opportunity to become a License Practical Nurse or continue on to become a Registered Nurse. Our mission is to bridge the labor gap that has been observed in fields such as nursing and to prepare professionals that will be skilled and ready to join the job forces.

Hash di rilevamento: 7d9a646ecc06e28e405e647eacdd2aa6336fd42c9696e0bb3fa48d33a4d3c7dd
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.jerseycollege.edu
Settore lavorativo: Universities

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