
Vittima: Professional Moving Company - Mackie Group

ID: 11048 rilevato il 26-09-2023 11:10:20 dal gruppo losttrust
Descrizione: The Mackie Group of companies has represented the highest standard of quality, professionalism and commitment to customer service since 1928. On a daily basis, we perform a diverse suite of services for our clients that positively impact their brand. We offer customized solutions to corporations and individuals worldwide. From a local household goods move to a North American turnkey supply chain solution, Mackie has a proud history of developing long-standing client partnerships. Mackie has evolved from a pure household goods and transportation provider to the Automotive industry to a vibrant, diverse organization.

Hash di rilevamento: d557e7694f3e476548c65a538732a61b70cc68b4091fdfd36782b778557cb9a1
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.mackiegroup.com
Settore lavorativo: Transport

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