
Vittima: Contraband Control Specialists

ID: 11063 rilevato il 26-09-2023 11:10:06 dal gruppo losttrust
Descrizione: Contraband Control Specialists is a renowned private investigation and professional education consulting firm, widely recognized for its expertise in addressing "Drugs in the Workplace." As a California-based company, we have proudly established a robust client base and secured contracts in 42 states across the nation. Our dedicated professionals have successfully trained over 12,000 supervisors in the crucial skills of recognizing and addressing employee drug use and abuse.

Hash di rilevamento: a64d10fdb1b6d6aad04a4d96bdf8db278f00b546cd608f82b9f9218bc8a1e9f1
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.contrabandcontrol.com
Settore lavorativo: Services

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