
Vittima: Ted Pella Inc.

ID: 11177 rilevato il 03-10-2023 05:34:57 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: Electron microscopy supplies and instruments, light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, laboratory supplies We manufacture instruments and supplies and serve laboratories dedicated to a variety of types of microscopy: Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Electron Microprobe Analysis, Atomic Force Microscopy, Confocal Laser Microscopy and Light Microscopy. We serve a diverse set of fields including Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Failure Analysis, Forensics, Genetics, Histology, Materials Science, MEMS, Materialography/Metallography, Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Neurosciences, Pathology, Pharmaceuticals, Physics, Quality Assurance and Semiconductors. We serve colleges and universities, private companies, hospitals and various branches of government, domestic and international. /

Hash di rilevamento: 6b97d1c6a2caa3e01eb9b0d0656126ccab3aec4797e8bc067f7a76991edd9915
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Technologies

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