
Vittima: KTUA Landscape Architecture and Planning

ID: 11318 rilevato il 12-10-2023 04:45:30 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: As planners and landscape architects, KTUA is focused on the principles of healthy placemaking – a collaborative process for reshaping the public realm of our neighborhoods, communities and regions. The link between our natural and built environments and the health of individuals, families and communities is proven. Well designed streets, parks, open spaces, public places and buildings facilitate human connectivity and improve people's mental, physical and social health. In our vision and our actions, KTUA collaborates with our community leaders, public agencies, private developers, allied professionals, neighbors and families to develop implementable plans that address social, physical, environmental and economic goals that shape healthy places. By building support for these plans and projects from the ground up, we provide opportunities for civic engagement and transformative ideas KTUA-->

Hash di rilevamento: 9458367f02e567b4ac0e791a3f6cb46bb40764452deaaa623ba09b4a7e1c531f
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Architecture

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