
Vittima: Mutual Underwriters

ID: 11663 rilevato il 27-10-2023 13:20:18 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Top insurance providers in Hawaii. Since 1958,Mutual Underwriters have provided insurance to folks in Hawaii and have expanded our services to include every type of insurance whether it's for your home, vehicle or family health. We also offer insurance for commercial needs. Over 700GB of personal data were stolen from there, including: - detailed insurance information (name of insured, amount of payments, contacts, address, etc) - financial data (transfers, payments, etc) - access to insurance providers applications (with possibility to manage insurances) - employees personal details (contacts, payments, passwords to personal services, etc) - other sensitive data elated to customers and employees which supposed to be protected Unfortunately for ordinary people the top management of Mutual Underwriters offered only "words" to protect their data. This sum is unacceptable. Since all the time needed for their bosses to make a decision were given and all the evidences were provided, Mutual Underwriters decided to stop the negotiation process, you can find all the data stolen from them for free download now.

Hash di rilevamento: a726fef4ac08a6521f01aeeffdea075d2d0e9c5bad68433cac01322e5b1cb07b
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.mutualunderwriters.net/
Settore lavorativo: Insurance services

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