
Vittima: NeoDomos

ID: 11733 rilevato il 08-11-2023 00:57:14 dal gruppo ciphbit
Descrizione: NeoDomos, a broker specializing in real estate insurance for over a decade, has been trusted by more than 500 property management clients in the field of unpaid rent insurance in the Marseille, Aix en Provence and regional sectors. PACA and at the national level. Our added value lies in the negotiation of guarantees, solvency and the rate of your unpaid rent contract as well as services linked to other types of lessor protection that we offer. Real Estate Insurance Broker in Aix en Provence, this is the profession whose values ​​we are proud to have carried for many years, in our brokerage firm on a human scale. Ideally located near Aix city center and motorway access, more than 10 years of experience have allowed us to guarantee our clients professional brokerage solutions for the world of Real Estate. We are in fact able to negotiate the best guarantees with numerous French and international insurance companies. Our status as a broker allows us in particular to place ourselves on the client side, in order to analyze all of your needs and determine among all the market offers, those which will best meet your situation.

Hash di rilevamento: 43737217b88a8919011b52bccd59e197b99532fb7d4c7decba639c613bb2cee3
Vittima localizzata in: France
Sito web: http://www.neodomos.fr
Settore lavorativo: Insurance services

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11894 - http://www.neodomos.fr

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