
Vittima: Sinotech Group Taiwan

ID: 11768 rilevato il 09-11-2023 21:58:49 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Sinotech Engineering Consultants Inc. (Sinotech Inc.) was founded in 1970 as a non-profit organization dedicated to providing engineering consulting services. These services included the study, planning, reconnaissance, design, inspection, testing, and construction supervision in the fields of: water resources electrical power environmental, urban, agricultural, and industrial development transportation and civil engineering electrical and mechanical engineering. In 1973, the firm started working on overseas assignments throughout Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, and Central and South America. Sinotech Inc. continued to build its reputation for its worldwide services. For 12 consecutive years it was rated among the TOP 200 International Design Firms in the world by Engineering News-Record, a U.S. based engineering magazine.

Hash di rilevamento: 68edd31125090b88f518007176cbfd8e50d010d000767eebbb175b6b013094c3
Vittima localizzata in: Taiwan
Sito web: https://www.sinotech.org.tw/
Settore lavorativo: Engineering consulting

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