
Vittima: Growers Express

ID: 11959 rilevato il 21-11-2023 08:43:58 dal gruppo bianlian
Descrizione: Growers Express was founded in 1987 by South Monterey County, California growers David Gill, Steven Gill, Johnny Gill, John Romans, Stan Pura, Mike Hitchcock, Dennis Frudden and Ron Frudden, as well as head lettuce industry icon Joe Puga Sr., who all held the same values—growing and providing their own premium quality products, ensuring a consistent year-round supply, and offering superior customer service.

Hash di rilevamento: fd4a5fd2ba0412222bdab539a4157de4371d5d16d582862a96e6e4b2244654d2
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Agriculture and agribusiness

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