
Vittima: SBK Real Estate

ID: 12337 rilevato il 13-12-2023 10:08:58 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: SBK Group is a diversified group of companies under the ownership of H. H. Sheikh Suhail Bin Khalifa Saeed Al Maktoum has multifarious operations in Dubai and other emirates and the business activities of the Group include hotel, hotel apartments under the holding company Pearl Investment LLC, electronics, computers and computer accessories, garment retail outlets and Real Estate. The group annual turnover in UAE is estimated to be around AED 150 million. SBK Real Estate commenced operations in 1998 as an endeavor to tap the vast potential in property management market and other related segments of the real estate industry. From a small investment and an initial turnover of AED 1 million, the company today within a period of 12 years boasts of a whopping AED 50 million turnover. This growth within a short period is attributed to an unflinching commitment towards customer satisfaction resulting out of prompt and efficient facilities management on top of reasonable and competitive terms of tenancy. The company is one of the established organization in Dubai specializing in Leasing and Selling of commercial and residential properties coupled with experience in Comprehensive Property Management functions and services. sbkrealestate-->

Hash di rilevamento: 7c5711861ff2cab9500d9febdd98dfbcfb715c2d0b5d1e9ae7126aff58571e24
Vittima localizzata in: UAE
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Hospitality

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