
Vittima: CIE

ID: 12398 rilevato il 15-12-2023 15:30:00 dal gruppo cactus
Descrizione: CIE Automotive is an industrial group specialised in supplying components and subassemblies for the automotive market. CIE Automotive focuses its activity on seven technologies — Aluminium, Forging, Stamping and Tube Welding, Machining, Plastic, Casting and Roof Systems. Website: www.cieautomotive-->Revenue : $3.6BAddress: 69 Alameda Mazarredo 8º, Bilbao, Basque Country, 48009, SpainPhone Number: +34 946054835

Hash di rilevamento: 73aed077d738b3041acc6644d190e4e3eef8d9b34bbcf8b0e3e1decaa05651d7
Vittima localizzata in: Spain
Sito web: www.cieautomotive.com
Settore lavorativo: Automotive

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