
Vittima: Banco Promerica de la República Dominicana

ID: 12728 rilevato il 29-12-2023 17:56:37 dal gruppo ransomhouse
Descrizione: Promerica Group is a group of financial institutions linked through the PROMERICA FINANCIAL CORP (PFC) holding company, which is directed by a multinational team of bankers, with specific knowledge of the economic and financial activities carried out in each of the countries and in the region as a whole. Its beginnings date back to 1991, in Nicaragua, with the establishment of the National Production Bank (BANPRO), then gradually reaching the rest of Central America, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic with the establishment of commercial banks, thanks to the support of a renowned group of visionary shareholders who believe in the well-being and development of the region.

Hash di rilevamento: 10079f0443fca95313ff9a2f9377f152bdcc5abae59fad667d5a556b63393975
Vittima localizzata in: Dominican Republic
Sito web: https://www.promerica.com.do/
Settore lavorativo: Finance

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