
Vittima: Agro Baggio LTDA

ID: 12767 rilevato il 07-01-2024 11:15:46 dal gruppo knight
Descrizione: Apparently, the DPO/LGPD rules that Agro Baggio holds so dear are not working properly. But this time you can't get away. Your servers are lying down and the network is tightly closed and unavailable. We got more than 70 GB in compressed form of important data Agro Boggio, John Deere and Costumers. Don't make mistakes and do the right thing. This time you won't get away with it. Time. Best regards. Don't forget that the DPO/LGPD fine is high.Further data leakage will be on your conscience. Your tongue is your enemy. Nothing personal, just business. Best regards. 1 word = 1 mistake = 1 file. Enjoy. end.png 361.26 KB20230601-1.png 446.84 KB20230601-transfer.png 433.02 KB

Hash di rilevamento: 710a5b4e658f804e225965f774b9159ea0fdbfdf8239300c5e401aa4ca47c260
Vittima localizzata in: Brazil
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Retail (distribution)

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Il motore è basato sul progetto ransomFeed, fork in GitHub.