
Vittima: Vision Plast

ID: 12883 rilevato il 18-01-2024 23:22:19 dal gruppo trigona
Descrizione: Founded in 2006, Vision Plast Group stands as a prominent player in the automotive, industrial, building, and home automation sectors. The group excels in providing comprehensive solutions for the automotive, construction, manufacturing, and home automation industries. With a focus on mono-material, bi-material, and over-molding injection molding products, Vision Plast Group has become synonymous with technical expertise and innovation.

Hash di rilevamento: 000b584cd32a857366037d2f34a473fda32ccda6abc673f687784acd4822a588
Vittima localizzata in: France
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Automotive

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