
Vittima: C and F Packing Company Inc.

ID: 12935 rilevato il 23-01-2024 05:47:38 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: Since these early beginnings, C & F Packing Company has grown into one of the largest  independent producers in the country of custom private label sausage products, meat toppings and fillings.  In 1986, the company built and moved to its first state-of-the-art facility to specialize in cooked pizza toppings.  C & F has continued to grow with the construction of a new 120,000 square-foot  plant that was completed in 2001.  This revolutionary plant is part of the next generation of food facilities that completely separates raw product operations from cooked product operations.  This ensures the safety and quality of our products. cfpacking-->

Hash di rilevamento: f2673a07f7441176084675d7728caf8f093f8287b4b069735297ff3dcf953a1a
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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