
Vittima: Herrs (You have 72 hours)

ID: 12942 rilevato il 23-01-2024 11:41:27 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Herr's is an American brand of potato chips and other snack foods produced and marketed by eponymous private American company Herr Foods Inc. based in Nottingham, Pennsylvania. While their products are sold primarily throughout the Eastern United States and Canada, their stronghold is the Mid-Atlantic region. Herr's products are sold in all 50 American states and in over 40 countries

Hash di rilevamento: d4f787600f330d71ead68fd8b757deeccff66745cb1727efefc91743d2ee0092
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://herrs.com/
Settore lavorativo: Food and drinks businesses

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13258 - Herrs

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