
Vittima: Trans-Northern Pipelines

ID: 13261 rilevato il 13-02-2024 13:10:20 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) operates regulated pipelines in central Alberta from Edmonton to Calgary, and in the south eastern Ontario to Montreal corridor, delivering refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel and heating fuel used by businesses and consumers. TNPI was incorporated in 1949, and has been operating pipelines for more than 60 years. Our business is built on four strategic pillars which we work to uphold every day: Personal and Process Safety, Environmental Sustainability, Reliability and People. Our team’s decades of experience combined with a focus on our core values – safe, respectful, professional, trustworthy, results focused, decisive – guides our daily activities and business operations.

Hash di rilevamento: 2586c11e9be0ca714c692eb76f64390b284b43fd461d3df5ddeadaa3d046f2e8
Vittima localizzata in: Canada
Sito web: https://tnpi.ca/
Settore lavorativo: Oil

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