
Vittima: Electro Marteix

ID: 13469 rilevato il 27-02-2024 16:16:27 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: EMTEK is the trade name of the company ELECTRO MARTEIX, SL. We have a wide experience of more than 35 years in the industrial, domestic and service sector. We are specialists in the installation of electricity, water, gas, heating, air conditioning, thermal and photovoltaic solar energy, telecommunications, public and private lighting, fire systems, comprehensive maintenance, and implementation of new technologies for energy saving projects for large, medium and small companies and private homes. We are a company with a great concern for sustainability, that is why we are committed to renewable energies and energy efficiency. At EMTEK we believe in a sustainable consumption that satisfies our energy needs and does not compromise the environment. We also take special care for safety at work, we strictly comply with the Law on Occupational Risk Prevention.

Hash di rilevamento: e89549a0a1ba32df808d6fe863d211ea92da11958097e975778200092375cb5d
Vittima localizzata in: Spain
Sito web: https://emtek.es
Settore lavorativo: Technologies

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