
Vittima: Acies Srl

ID: 13475 rilevato il 28-02-2024 04:19:52 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: Acies Srl, thanks to the know-how gained from extensive experience gained through numerous partnerships with organizations such as CERN and ESA, as well as companies operating in the electromedical and nuclear sectors, positions itself as a company for the design, development and production of products, often also adapted to customer needs, to meet the diverse needs of the world, constantly changing technologies. Design and manufacture: - Electronics (HW and SW) for 3D scanners and projectors for the industrial and dental sector - USB3 cameras for the industrial sector (stand–alone) - computer vision systems and LED illuminators for infrared cameras, LED level indicators and white LED headlights for ambient lighting.www.aciesinstruments-->

Hash di rilevamento: bc2f12c6da4c2e416fab9f93cf90a440010348d0734fbbaa71199f627b663663
Vittima localizzata in: Italy
Sito web: www.aciesinstruments.com
Settore lavorativo: Business Services

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