
Vittima: ipmaltamira

ID: 13572 rilevato il 03-03-2024 16:14:30 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Infraestructura Portuaria Mexicana S.A. de C.V. (IPM), subsidiary of PINFRA, was created as a response to 1994 Mexican Federal Government initiative for Port Privatization. The cession was given to IPM on june 1996 for the operation and management of Terminal #2 on the Port of Altamira, with an extension until year 2036.

Hash di rilevamento: 4125cb93ad30c40fdaf03b1b527dfa8ab7da96f6c55c574465da8dbefc872d95
Vittima localizzata in: Mexico
Sito web: https://www.ipmaltamira.com.mx
Settore lavorativo: Digital infrastructures

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