
Vittima: Swansea & South Wales

ID: 14187 rilevato il 09-04-2024 13:53:09 dal gruppo dragonforce
Descrizione: Swansea & South Wales has several investments across different sectors including Travel, Hospitality, Real Estate & Sports. Swansea--> has the ethos of employing local people and working closely with its local community and key stakeholders. We currently directly employ over 200 people across South Wales. Swansea--> continues to look at new opportunities to further its business interests, committed to investing in Swansea. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has made the last 18 months very difficult for every business, we have continued to invest in several new opportunities.

Hash di rilevamento: 5f3a22ad088c6af19d235700f45598abe0ba9955e86acae40f65b063cde323e1
Vittima localizzata in: UK
Sito web: www.swansea.com
Settore lavorativo: Lodging industry

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