
Vittima: Studio Libeskind

ID: 15082 rilevato il 01-05-2024 14:51:42 dal gruppo akira
Descrizione: Studio Libeskind is a world-renowned architecture studio composedof architects and designers that believe architecture is a practice of optimism. 18Gb of files of this organization will be available for everyone in the world. A lot of joint projects information, accounting files, passports, contracts, agreements and so on.

Hash di rilevamento: 696c4ac89c79e155a4cfd4da1b8f5c69555c3aaf06acf78bcbfdfb0b5b9d2ac4
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Architecture

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15058 - tudio Libeskind

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