
Vittima: Eurotrol B.V.

ID: 15910 rilevato il 12-06-2024 22:46:03 dal gruppo blacksuit
Descrizione: Eurotroll B.V is a Netherlands based specialist in custom-made quality control solutions for in vitro diagnostics with a U.S. based production wing. Eurotrol provides high specification, custom-made quality control materials (QC) for the periodic verification of the precision and accuracy of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) analyzers. Our products are produced by an integrated ISO-approved process, from research and development through production, in which only the highest quality materials are used.

Hash di rilevamento: ba2482cbe6236cba7f6905bcad22661f16e9e482738dc0a9bf024d3c5b5a0687
Vittima localizzata in: Netherlands
Sito web: https://eurotrol.com/en/
Settore lavorativo: Health

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