
Vittima: Topserve Service Solutions

ID: 16023 rilevato il 21-06-2024 09:18:38 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: Topserve Service Solutions, Inc. was founded and established on January 27, 1997 by Alex F. Tanwangco. Starting with a core staff of six, Topserve created a niche in the aviation industry in 1999 when it headed Aircraft Maintenance Servicing for a list of airline partners. Today, we have successfully expanded our list of partners in manufacturing and packing services, retail, hotels, fast food chains, warehousing and logistics, courier and delivery services, administrative/office-based services, business process outsourcing, and the academe.www.topserve-->.ph

Hash di rilevamento: 1ebdef5d5f1d5382082755a188a7dcae8348ad219732ebed48634f9b31bcfdf7
Vittima localizzata in: Philippines
Sito web: www.topserve.com.ph
Settore lavorativo: Airlines

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