
Vittima: John Gallin & Son

ID: 16497 rilevato il 24-07-2024 09:45:46 dal gruppo dragonforce
Descrizione: Our firm was founded in 1886 by John Gallin, an Irish immigrant. The firm continues to be run by the Gallin family, now in its fourth generation of management. We work on projects located throughout the New York City metro area. Additionally, we have special expertise working with the unique demands of Manhattan high-rise buildings. Our clients comprise a cross-section of area businesses, including finance, retail, insurance, real estate, and law. We also have a great deal of experience working with non-profits and schools.

Hash di rilevamento: 53aa2fda9400ebaf789161fcac91586581e631d0438f48a0443013a6d38081ed
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: gallin.com
Settore lavorativo: Legal consulting

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