

ID: 4685 rilevato il 14-09-2022 15:20:59 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Hayat Holding, whose foundations were laid in 1937, is a global player today with its 41 companies operating in different industries, including Hayat in the fast moving consumer goods sector, Kastamonu Entegre in the wood-based panel sector, and Limaş in the port management sector, with a workforce of over 17,000 people. We deliver 49 Turkish brands produced with advanced technologies in 36 production facilities in 12 countries to millions of consumers worldwide. As Hayat Holding, we carry out all our operations based on respect for people, society, and the environment. We take our global sustainability approach as a guide for our works, especially for those in the field of the continuity of our financial and operational successes, followed by reputation management, product quality and safety, environmentally friendly production, efficient resource use, recycling, diffusion of the innovation culture, occupational health and safety, fair competition and ethical values, equality of opportunity, local employment, and support for social projects. Our vision of globalization and our understanding of sustainable growth help us continue our investments at full speed to provide benefits for generations in Turkey and across the world.

Hash di rilevamento: 84318beb3769870fdded5147acb6f5ac89aa7f95353c496b972bf67c2685d5a8
Vittima localizzata in: N/D
Sito web: https://hayat.com
Settore lavorativo: Financial organizations

Rivendicazioni collegate

4650 - Hayat

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