

ID: 5137 rilevato il 06-11-2022 08:56:59 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: The essence of Hussey Gay Bell’s strength ​in design and delivery ​lies in the talented group of individuals who work tirelessly on our clients’ behalf. We are remarkably fortunate to have the most talented and dedicated professionals working here at Hussey Gay Bell. With talents ranging from engineering and architecture to surveying – coupled with our dedication to the firm’s core values of client service, innovation, initiation of ideas, collaboration, and the development of the most important aspect of the firm, our people – I have no doubt we can keep the firm growing and performing to the highest level of standards. As we do so, we will also continue our long and established history of professional and civic involvement working with dozens of civic and charitable organizations and serving on industry and community boards to improve the quality of life for the people in the communities we serve.

Hash di rilevamento: 022c1ffb59121ae54b0b050f23e965f7562a83f026ba9104c6d99edba85ce59f
Vittima localizzata in: N/D
Sito web: https://husseygaybell.com/
Settore lavorativo: Architecture

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