
Vittima: Aegea Group companies

ID: 5660 rilevato il 31-12-2022 01:43:18 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: Founded in 2010, Aegea is one of Brazil’s largest private sanitation companies. In each town it operates, it takes more health and quality of life to the population, always respecting the environment and local culture. Today, more than 21 million people are served in 154 cities across Brazil.Aegea manages sanitation assets through full or partial common concessions, sub-concessions and public-private partnerships (PPPs) and manages public concessions in the entire water cycle, i.e., supply, collection and treatment of sewage according to the profile and needs of each town.

Hash di rilevamento: ca01203a2372548e796057a55d963a240f5a0173e42a55ba39329daa4708f4cc
Vittima localizzata in: Brazil
Sito web: https://www.aegea.com.br
Settore lavorativo: Human Services

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