
Vittima: Inforlandia

ID: 5668 rilevato il 30-12-2022 08:54:52 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: Inforlandia is a leading European Original Equipment Manufacturer of computer hardware, mobile devices and consumer electronics.Celebrating 30 years, Inforlandia presents itself with a deep knowledge and experience in the technological sector, at local and international level, with successes that speak for themselves. Today it is the largest manufacturer of computer equipment in Portugal, with an offer adjusted and developed to the needs of customers and with a strong weight in exports. The ambition that dictated its path continues to outline its growth and consolidation strategies. With the aim of making technology increasingly accessible, both for Education and for the business and public sectors, it has been developing production methods and strategies that ensure unmatched flexibility and high levels of quality, with the utmost efficiency. The commitment to quality has been rewarded with certifications at the highest level, and Inforlandia’s objective is to continue to be one of the national companies with the highest number of product, process and business-level certifications.

Hash di rilevamento: abd63fe01bd070fe12a27bd2db83ae8110e579e7d5341906ae2f7af0a7ff4285
Vittima localizzata in: Portugal
Sito web: https://www.inforlandia.com
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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