
Vittima: Ultrabulk

ID: 5877 rilevato il 27-01-2023 22:59:04 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: The Ultranav General Business Principles are the commitment that the company has undertaken with its stakeholders about how to conduct its business at all times, based on its values and corporate culture. All Ultranav stakeholders, be they employees, customers, suppliers, the community or the competition, are invited to raise their doubts and/or make whistleblowing reports on the activities undertaken by our organisation. All information reported will be treated in a confidential manner. The Ultranav Ethical Committee will critically evaluate all incoming reports and address issues according to our principles.

Hash di rilevamento: 09ab2e4fdd9012b1a10efab374ffe8a54929ce8c0d3e2802612cfaf69b68dae5
Vittima localizzata in: Denmark
Sito web: https://ultrabulk.com
Settore lavorativo: Business Services

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