
Vittima: Hengmei Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd.

ID: 6074 rilevato il 16-02-2023 13:17:24 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Hengmei Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was established in May 2014, located in Kunshan Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, with a registered capital of 3.25278 billion yuan. At present, four production bases in Kunshan, Fuzhou, Hefei and Danyang have been established and planned, and the total annual production capacity of polarizers is planned to be 220 million square meters. It will become the world's leading polarizer manufacturer and provide high-quality panel factories in many countries and regions around the world. , Stable polarizer supply. Among them, Hengmei Kunshan factory has a total of two polarizer production lines. Line 1 has a width of 1.5M. It was officially mass-produced in January 2017, with a monthly production capacity of 1.8 million square meters. Line 2 has a width of 2.5M and began mass production in September 2019. , with a monthly production capacity of 3.2 million square meters. The two lines have achieved an annual production capacity of 60 million square meters. Hengmei Fuzhou factory has newly added two 2.6M ultra-wide polarizer production lines. It is planned to start mass production in Q4 of 2022. After full production, the two lines will have an annual production capacity of 90 million square meters.

Hash di rilevamento: b3e1c41ce3d766d13ab3f27aa69fbf8ff1b39f467a19b432f2d033b8669c9219
Vittima localizzata in: China
Sito web: https://www.cnhmo.cn/
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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9863 - Hengmei Optoelectronics Co,Ltd

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