
Vittima: EncinoEnergy

ID: 6131 rilevato il 22-02-2023 11:06:04 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Encino Energy is one of the largest private natural gas and oil producers in the U.S. and a top 25 North American natural gas producer. While headquartered in Houston, our operations in the prolific Northern Utica Shale make us the largest oil producer in Ohio and the second-largest natural gas producer in the state. But beyond our day-to-day operations, we are a company dedicated to our values of results, transparency, innovation, ownership, and sustainability. These foundational values guide our employees and make us who we are. Encino Energy’s proven management team is deeply committed to our people, and we are fully invested in the communities we call home. Encino Energy is committed to doing the right things for the right reasons while never losing sight of safety and sustainability. We focus on the long-term, which means sustainable, safe, and environmentally conscious operations, and carefully managed risks.

Hash di rilevamento: 20833572bd844ab143113be3dec7d6a7ec92791136afbd56a7f95438dc50cfb4
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.encinoenergy.com/
Settore lavorativo: Gas

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