
Vittima: Collins Electrical

ID: 6542 rilevato il 18-03-2023 07:07:28 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Collins was established in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1948 to help meet the electrical construction demands of postwar America. Through the years, we’ve built customer relationships on a foundation of integrity and trust—a philosophy that has been the cornerstone of our company since its inception. Today, Collins has grown into a multimillion-dollar, full-service electrical and technology contracting company.

Hash di rilevamento: f9adc7a9c0fed77b935c0d838a3623ba1f93bb45e14e22fd8f440856da6ffa94
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://collinsmn.com
Settore lavorativo: Technologies

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