
Vittima: Law Firm Vazquez Nava Consultores y Abogados, S.C

ID: 6544 rilevato il 18-03-2023 17:12:40 dal gruppo medusa
Descrizione: The Firm Vazquez Nava Consultores y Abogados, S.C. was founded in Mexico City in January 1995 by a group of professionals with a broad experience in fields such as Economics, Law, Administration and Engineering. Since its foundation, the Firm has actively participated in the development and structuring of some of the most important projects in Mexico, playing an important role in implementing the best practices for transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures.

Hash di rilevamento: 94cd6749f635450409e702fc9b3ddc6f8f1459d5c19f1e4df99ac3f305dbcae0
Vittima localizzata in: Mexico
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Legal consulting

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