
Vittima: la providence

ID: 6710 rilevato il 25-03-2023 21:14:51 dal gruppo stormous
Descrizione: Catholic educational establishment located in Blois, Campus La Providence is organized around a vocational high school, a technological high school, a higher education center, a CFA and a continuing education center .In contract with the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, as well as declared to the Ministry of Labor and partner of the Center Val de Loire Regional Council, the establishment has evolved over the years into a Campus of trades services to organizations and the CFA-CFC obtained QUALIOPI certification in October 2021 for the CFA and the CFC for training actions and apprenticeship training

Hash di rilevamento: ff62b7989a41e966661101901dc7add696e04c732896041138c096464daaaa82
Vittima localizzata in: France
Sito web: https://laprovidence-blois.fr/
Settore lavorativo: Education

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