
Vittima: Wymondham College

ID: 6760 rilevato il 29-03-2023 02:37:03 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: Wymondham College - is a beautiful place for living and studying. They even have some awards for education care. But it seems like their students' personal info is not a thing they really care about.What we acquired from them: students' passports, medical vaccination info, children behavior notifications for parents, nonpayment notifications, confidential protocols and much more info of 492GB.Just a piece of cake!

Hash di rilevamento: b4b735716060da77f0cd4fdfa4be8950603a17b59564874d917dab9dd8857da0
Vittima localizzata in: UK
Sito web: http://www.wymondhamcollege.org
Settore lavorativo: Universities

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