
Vittima: Ozarks Community Hospital

ID: 7067 rilevato il 18-04-2023 12:40:20 dal gruppo karakurt
Descrizione: Founded in 1930 the Ozarks Community Hospital (OCH) of Gravette, AR is located in what was previously known as the Gravette Medical Center Hospital Building. They do not care much about their personnel and patients personal information. We have about 40GB of their internal information including detailed medical data (medical records, tests, diagnosis), employees personal information and accounting/finance documents that are very interesting to explore. They even lost their partners' employee information (ssns, addresses and so on).Coming soon!

Hash di rilevamento: c5c65377946e24e0f0792b0a087dfa378bf8bd0e720af9390a036e70e3a0c17d
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Healthcare services

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