
Vittima: Winona Powder Coating

ID: 7511 rilevato il 24-04-2023 13:26:20 dal gruppo karakurt
Descrizione: Winona Powder Coating is the largest provider of finishing services in the Northern Indiana/Southern Michigan region. We specialize in E-Coat and Powder Coat finishes. This is another example of a business that doesn't care about ts employees' personal information. Almost a full set of information for each worker: SSN, DOB, address, phone ... Besides that we have Winona's ongoing project details with contacts and contracts. As well as their financial and accounting documentations. Much to see. You are welcome to check that.

Hash di rilevamento: f50fcd56d8787bae2865be5af0cdbbaabab0e777b1afc77a190fc114b904df9c
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

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