
Vittima: PCS Wireless

ID: 7833 rilevato il 15-05-2023 18:43:21 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: Founded in 2001, PCS has grown from a wireless device reseller on Madison Avenue in New York, to the global leader in the secondary mobile device industry. That’s due to our founders, Ben and Praveen, whose vision for refurbished mobile devices has led them to expand into new countries and develop new products and services that have grown the market over time. As the secondary mobile market grew, so did we.

Hash di rilevamento: d244c42f7cea2b2dde570a09a22ce8234fd8aee94002a7ef1105ab7ec2f3fbe8
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: https://www.pcsww.com
Settore lavorativo: Telecommunications

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