
Vittima: Direct Cleaning Services

ID: 7988 rilevato il 23-05-2023 19:47:38 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: After working for a large independent cleaning company and with years of experience behind her, in 1999, Pauline Naylor decided to set up her own company, Direct Cleaning Services, in Sheffield.From day one, Pauline’s vision was to create a company that offered a tailored cleaning service to its clients, in order to suit the changing working environment that companies faced.   With a steady start, it didn’t take long for Direct Cleaning Services to soon flourish from a ‘one man band’ to employing over 50 cleaning operatives and administrative staff. .uk/about/ Sheffield 0114 358 6204 Rotherham 01709 230 152 Barnsley 01226 977 182

Hash di rilevamento: 2c0d462ddc682bfffa48602f0ed40a14e75723683aca0c9a1df2892e7432afb0
Vittima localizzata in: UK
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Public Health

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