
Vittima: JPW Industries (jpwindustries.com) | Baileigh Industrial (baileigh.com) | With SpaceX Data

ID: 8167 rilevato il 02-06-2023 10:40:40 dal gruppo alphv
Descrizione: JPW Industries produces and sells tools and equipment for metalworking, woodworking, and welding. Baileigh Industrial is a company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing metalworking and woodworking equipment.

Hash di rilevamento: 3a7d96ff1ec066094f9655c7338b58713b28bce496c3b2af9ccd6ee6962e6b83
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: jpwindustries.com
Settore lavorativo: Manufacturing

Rivendicazioni collegate

9814 - JPW Industries (jpwindustriescom) | Baileigh Industrial (baileighcom) | With SpaceX Data [

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