
Vittima: PENNCREST School District

ID: 8270 rilevato il 09-06-2023 11:58:33 dal gruppo royal
Descrizione: PENNCREST School District provides resources and opportunities that challenge students, assess their educational progress, provide a system of support and empower all to become confident lifelong learners. This organization like many other does not hold student information in safe. We are going to upload everything we got from them here soon. Personal information of students and employees as well as schools' financial data are pretty detailed. Everything is of 164GB.Stay in touch!

Hash di rilevamento: b55b60fc6d16059e85ba47da5c67c002c0799004483de22b9a51cc818d48158f
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: http://www.penncrest.org
Settore lavorativo: Schools

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