

ID: 9205 rilevato il 28-06-2023 09:50:25 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: "Porter Roofing has blueprinted an innovative culture throughout our company, placing special emphasis on the welfare and safety of everyone involved with any roofing project we undertake. We have provided OSHA’s 40-hour safety program and CPR training for all of our key employees so that every crew is staffed with at least one safety team leader. Although our safety program exceeds roofing industry standards, we continually seek ways to implement new ideas and procedures.As our reputation continues to grow on a national scale, we realize that it is based on our past roofing projects. Therefore, we raise the bar for exceptional performance, job by job, year by year. We pledge our full support toward the successful completion of our clients’ roofing projects, and we will perform our services in your best interest with a great effort to maintain your trust and good will."/

Hash di rilevamento: 349c925cf39b612486fc5de8addc4407d28ad4b45aed019c8db4fdef5d99c018
Vittima localizzata in: USA
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Construction

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