
Vittima: BTU

ID: 9593 rilevato il 13-07-2023 05:59:25 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: BTU is an Argentine company dedicated to the development and execution of engineering, construction, mounting and start-up projects, mainly in the Energy, Oil & Gas and Railway System Infrastructure sectors.We have provided integral services throughout the country for over 30 years, in public and private sector, delivering constant technical and entrepreneurial development. As a result of our expertise, we are one of Argentina’s leading engineering and highly complex construction company.

Hash di rilevamento: 379c3d72ff22548ffb4159196bf98b11db29c6c5feddda3e6a50c00ec0b0fdfc
Vittima localizzata in: Argentina
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Construction

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