

ID: 9794 rilevato il 25-07-2023 17:59:41 dal gruppo 8base
Descrizione: Fansipan Construction Consultants Company Limited with the legal representative -Director Mr., Huynh Thanh Sang was granted Business Registration Certificate No. 0312364637 dated July 10, 2013 issued by Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City. Fansipan Construction Consultants Company Limited is a civil and construction company that provides the best quality products, the best quality services on time at a reasonable price as well as help both contractor and clients own a lot of successful project

Hash di rilevamento: 4a2b330c453dd4af6af1b731a83e4877f42096c5b54c95ea1344c858a20321a0
Vittima localizzata in: Vietnam
Sito web: N/D
Settore lavorativo: Construction

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